
The little blue school

A few years ago a friend shared with me the vision a couple of families had of restoring and expanding a tiny little school in the village of Adami Tulu, Ethiopia.  Adami Tulu is a tiny, impoverished village of about 9,000 people, which sits about three hours south of Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia. 

We knew right away this project would be perfect for our family.   Many young children in Ethiopia are given up by their birth families, because they simply can't provide for their basic needs.  Though our family was in the adoption process (and now is again) we know the very best place for a child is with their birth family unless this is not possible.  Many of the families in the area can't even afford to pay the nominal public school fees.  Those fees I later learned on my Vision Trip to Adami Tulu & Ziway, can be as little as a pack of pencils or single notebook.  When you are struggling to provide food for even just one meal a day for your family, hunger takes precedence over an education.  This leaves many of the children in an impossible cycle of poverty, that is so very hard to break. 

We knew that by expanding this school, which costs a fraction of what it costs here in the states, could completely steer the lives of these children and their families in a new direction.  One filled with a highly sought after education, hope, and the knowledge that Christ loves them.   We were on board.

On our 2nd trip back to Ethiopia, after learning about the project we managed to convince our travel group and driver to let us try to find the tiny "blue school" on our way back to Addis.  We had already been in the van for hours, why not a little detour.  After a few stops, picking up a stranger, annoyed looks from our travel group, walking into a few wrong buildings we found it!  Everyone was thrilled!  The Lord must have been helping us along the way because we even ran into one of the schools' teachers who graciously offered to go with us to the school and tell us all about it.


Just a tiny blue building with 2 classrooms and a small office.  
A small garden out back and little swing set.

There was a rickety fence around the property, right off the busy highway.  
A mound of dirt that would soon be a new building ready to serve even more students!

Our family doesn't have a lot of extra to give financially especially while completing our adoptions, but we give what we can.   Most importantly we help advocate for these kids anyway we can with friends, family and at our church when possible. We share their stories, sponsor students, pray for them, fundraise, visit and give what we can.


New buildings!

Missing this very special school and kiddos so much!

Would you join us?  You can sponsor a child at one of our schools for just $19 a month.  That $19 is about 1/2 the cost of most sponsorship programs and it all goes directly to the kids!!  Lifesong for Orphans, who manages the project doesn't keep a dime, because 100% of the administration costs have already been paid.  Your sponsorship will give a child in Ethiopia a chance to break the cycle of poverty and a chance for a better future.


Check out the new cafeteria (feeding center) and the new walls. 
Amazing what God can do in just a few short years!

The fabulous Peggy Ifft of Misgana Ministries.
 I hope to be just like her when I grow up!  

This little blue school is quickly becoming the BIG blue school!

Please visit zatproject.com or feel free to contact me about how 
you can become a ZAT Project Advocate!

We feel so blessed to be a small part of this amazing project and team.  God is doing some amazing things in Adami Tulu & Ziway, Ethiopia through so many people.  What once was just a little blue building has now transformed the lives of hundreds of children and our families heart.  Nowhere else do I feel God's presence more powerfully then when I am in this beautiful place.

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